
Yoga Routine For Strength & Flexibility | ALL LEVELS

The nature of yoga is to shine the light of awareness into the darkest corners of the body.

Here is a Yoga routine with the perfect balance of strength moves & flexibility poses get the best out of both worlds! We will be working on improving our shoulder and core stability as well as stretching our hamstrings, shoulders, hip flexors, quads, hips and basically our entire body. This routine can be done first time in the morning to energize your day or mid-afternoon as well! Feel free to do what you can and to modify the routine by making it harder or easier depending on your own level. Remember that it is your practice, so forget about how the poses look and just focus on understanding and learning about your body!

Happy practice my friends =) Namaste!

by DOLCE LIBERTA. More than a Bikini!


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This routine can be done first time in the morning to energize your day or mid-afternoon as well! Feel free to do what you can and to modify the routine by making it harder or easier depending on your own level.


  • Nicolas Roy
    January 15, 2018

    Duis congue leo magna, id molestie mauris mollis laoreet. Duis pulvinar libero in tellus suscipit, id porttitor magna luctus.

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